You can call me @ 641-512-3948 and Map Quest at Dougherty Iowa 50433
Yorkies Dougherty Iowa js yorkies for sale
Yorkies for sale Dougherty Iowa
There is someone in CA using my website to scam people !!!! Please email me from this website ! NOT the phone number they have in the paper there ! I am in Iowa NOT in CA!!!!! Call me at 641-512-3948 or text or email me at

These babies come pre-spoiled with lots of love and kisses ! Always raised in the house with my family and Grandkids:) And other ...parrots...Our big boy Zor (German Shepherd that thinks he's a YORKIE ! They will have at least one set of puppy shots, wormed,tails and dewclaws done. Feel safe getting one of my babies, I STAND BEHIND THEM ! And they have a 2 year for life threatning health issues. ( replace puppy OR put purchase price on Vet bill...Most other breeders say they will give you one year And only replace puppy ! KNOWING YOU LOVE THAT PUPPY AND WILL NOT RETURN IT !! So please do your reseach, AND DONT MISS OUT ON A HEALTHY,HAPPY,WELL SOCIALIZED YORKIE BECAUSE OF A FEW $$$ . The puppy millers can afford to sell their puppies cheaper because they mass produce, DONT feed high quality dog food and kill or let die any sick puppy/adults that will not make them $$ SO please do your research , These babies can be with you as part of your family for 16 years or more !
This is HAWK and he is Jack's son
This is KEEPER ( Grandfather to the puppies )
This is JACK Keeper's son
My Beautiful Boys Of JS Yorkies
Someone is stealing my pictures and using them as their own !!!!! Please make sure when you are buying a puppy they send you the picture with a date or your name on it ! Something to identify they have that actual puppy ! And if you see any sites with my pictures can you please tell me ... Thank you Shawn
My old man Max at 14 years old ...our heart dog...RIP ...Max
Hi guys :) Its time for an update. yes I do still have a couple litters of traditional Yorkies a year💕Right now I have the two cutest bitty Yorkie boys available to a loving pet home. text or call for more details 641-512-3948. I also have two baby boy French Bulldogs
I will be adding pictures soon or else text my phone 641-512-3948